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The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly. Two decades later, in 2001, the General Assembly unanimously voted to designate the Day as a period of non-violence and cease-fire.
The United Nations invites all nations and people to honour a cessation of hostilities during the Day, and to otherwise commemorate the Day through education and public awareness on issues related to peace.

International Day of Peace NGO Committee at the United Nations

The International Day of Peace NGO Committee at the United Nations is consisted of international NGOs around the world. Every year the committee open the UN Peace Day at the UN headquarter in New York on the third week of September. The KOCUN-IDP is also a member organization of the committee.
The IDP NGO Committee at the UN
  • Honorary Chair
    Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury (Former Under Secretary-General of the United Nations)
  • Co-chairs
    Michael Johnson (Representative to the UN of the Pathways to Peace)
    Deborah Moldow (Representative to the UN of the World Peace Prayer Society)
    Shawn Sweeney (Senior Director of the Jane Goodall Institute)
    Monica Willard (Representative to the UN of the United Religions Initiative)
  • Member Organizations
    Pathways to Peace (Originating Stewardship)
    Unify (Co-stewards)
    Peace Day Philly (Co-stewards)
    World Peace Prayer Society
    United Religions Initiative
    Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy
    Culture of Peace Initiative
    Ashland Culture of Peace Commission
    The Interspiritual Network
    Sourcing the Way
    Institute for Subtle Activism
    Gaiafield Project
    Forum 21 Institute
    From Self Care to Earth Care
    The Shift Network
    Alliance for the Earth
    We, the World
    11 Days of Global Unity
    Chicago Build the Peace Committee
    Korean Organizing Committee for UN International Day of Peace

Annual Report

The Korean Organizing Committee will publish annual report for International Day of Peace with global partners  that engage in the International Day of Peace movement. The report will focus on share global and local issues and its those solutions from the field. The report will be opened on every 21st September and the first report will be published in 2020.
Main Themes:
 - Global Citizenship
 - Sustainable Development
 - Dialogue among Civilizations
 - Inter-generational Dialogue 
 - Global Issues (i.e. UNSCR Agenda, Global Campaign, etc)
Peace Day_Bell.jpg
Korean Organizing Committee for
UN International Day of Peace
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